Sunday, June 14, 2009

Too Hot to Handle!

With the temperatures being as hot as they are, we need to take some precautions. Heatsroke (aka sunstroke) is a very serious heat-related problem. With people doing their gardening, mowing the lawns, cleaning out gutters and such you need to make sure you have adequate fluid intake. If your body temperature is rising and there is not proper measures taken to cool your body down dehydration and more serious things like organ failure can occur. Organ failure means your heart, brain, liver or kidneys cannot work properly due to lack of oxygen.

Signs and Symptoms include:
Passing out
Flushed skin, sweaty,cold clammy skin
Temp of 104
Irregular,fast heart rate and low blood pressure

If you notice any of these symptoms while out in the heat, you need to seek treatment ASAP. You can apply ice packs to the neck,armpits and groin area. You cna drench yourself with cold water. DO NOT GIVE MEDICATIONS FOR FEVER!!!!

Remember if your kids are playing outside, make sure they come in frequently for water or popsicles or place a water cooler outside for convenience.

All comments are greatly appreciated!!!!!

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