I have never understood what would make a person sacrifice everything they have for drugs. We recently had a 39 yr old female who admitted to being a crack user. She had 3 children, 2 boyfriends and a girlfriend. Out of curiosity the nurse asked her what made her want to do crack and this was her response. She stated she was dating this girl and one day the girlfriend was at her apartment and went to the bathroom. She apparently was in there for a while and she knocked on the door and asked what she was doing. When the girlfriend opened the door she noticed the smell and asked what she was doing. She decided she would try crack out and said the feeling she got was like no other feeling she ever had. It was undescribable. Needless to say she kept trying to get the feeling again and has been unsuccessful but is very much addicted. She looks more like 69 than 39, she is probably 90 lbs soak and wet, has no teeth and looks a mess. If the outside of her body looks this bad I can't imagine what the inside looks like. More and more young adults are becoming addicted to drugs. Whether it be crack, marijuana, cocaine, ectasy,popping pills or others. It is important we talk to our kids and let them know it is cooler to be drug free! Make them feel comfortable talking to you about ANYTHING especially drugs and sex. Remember they respect you more than they show it. Your approval and acceptance means alot to them. No matter what, let them know you are there for them and show it as well. Let's keep our kids drug free!!!!!!!!!!
Know of any similar situations you care to share? Have your own story you would like to tell? All comments are greatly appreciated
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