Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Childhood obesity

Recent studies show 16 to 33 percent of children and adolescents are obese. Mostly due to eating habits and lack of exercise. These days a lot of kids spend their time watching TV or playing video games. When I was growing up we played outside mostly. We played baseball,kick ball, volleyball, basketball, dodgeball and football. We had games like junp rope, hop scotch, hide and seek, hula hoop and many other games that kept us active. There was no eating fast food all the time. Parents cooked!

So what has changed all that? We need to teach our kids how to eat healthy but we must lead by example. We also need to encourage them to be active. Obesity leads to diabetes and heart disease. So let's keep our kids healthy and in the process we can keep ourselves healthy.

Your thoughts and comments are greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

  1. you know foxxy..
    this was a problem here in holland to..
    but guess what? now we are trying to get parents to make sure there kids are not to skinny.. it totally turned around here..
    we still have overweight kids.. but kids who are underweight are becoming more of a problem..
    i just dont get why we always have to go to extremes....
