Saturday, May 16, 2009

Can i offer you some Xanax?

I love it when patients have family members who are active in their care especially when its an older patient, however sometimes they can be a bit overbearing! They might think they are being helpful to the patient or the nurse and sometimes they are. Here is when I feel the need to offer them some Xanax:

The family calls the nurse at least once an hour because the patient needs something and when the nurse responds the patient doesn't want anything!

The family constantly insists the patient needs pain medicine despite what the patient says until finally the patient gives in and decides they need pain medicine!

The family insists the patient needs something to calm them down and when you arrive the patient is fine but the family member is a wreck!

The family wants you to give sleeping medicine to a patient who is already sleep!

Restraints are requested because the patient won't keep still!

Now don't get me wrong, all families don't act this way but there are plenty that do and on these days I go home to a nice cocktail!

1 comment:

  1. During my recent stay in the hospital, I felt so bad for my wonderful nurses. They had so many patients to tend to and not enough time. They were running from the beginning of the shift to the end. And like you said, some families seemed to think they were on private duty. What a shame!
