Sunday, July 26, 2009

Are you done yet?

As nurses we have to understand that everyone's job is important. It really bothers me when we interrupt or delay someone else's job. If your patient needs to go for an xray, dopplar study or any other procedure,you don't need to do a complete assessment, vital signs and give your medications before they leave. This holds up the person transporting the patient and also delays their diagnostic testing or procedure. If the nurse's aide or patient care assistant is in the middle of giving your patient a bath, don't interrupt to take your vitals or give their meds. You can wait till they are done but if you are in that big of a hurry, help do the bath to speed up the process!

We have nurses who think their duties are more important than the next persons. In some aspect this is true but you also have to realize if it isn't an emergency it can wait.

This is Foxxy and that's just the way I see it! If you agree or disagree let me know how you see it!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Do Not Resuscitate

I know death is never easy especially for immediate family but I believe it is necessary to respect the patient's wishes. Recently we had a patient who was dying of lung cancer and decided he wanted to be a DNR because he was tired of the battle. On the last day of his battle the wife was very upset and wanted the doctor to undo the DNR but was unsuccessful because the doctor told her she had to respect his wishes. Later that night he died and the son went bezerk. He fought with his sister and demanded we do an autopsy because he believed the respiratory therapist killed him(nevermind the fact he was actively dying of end stage cancer). He was told the autopsy would cost $2500 and he said he would pay it. Then he decided he wanted the crime lab to do the autopsy so the funeral home decided they didn't want anything to do with the family. The body was taken to the morgue and the family was left with the responsibility of getting the body transported out by the next morning. Needless to say the family left three hours later but I am sure the drama continued.

My guess is this was his way of coping with his dad's death. People react different ways and usually need someone to blame! I can't imagine what would have happened if the patient had not made his wishes clear up front. I believe it is better to be prepared especially if you are terminally ill. It relieves the family of painful decisions and can also but not always avoid drama.

All comments are greatly appreciated!!!!!!!!